What is it we do?

Physiotherapists are trained to assess musculoskeletal and neurological conditions, and formulate a diagnosis from that assessment. We see all ages, and people in all stages of life.

In conjunction with the client, we develop a management plan that can include hands-on treatment, exercises, the use of electrophysical agents and dry needling.

Our experience and training means we can provide timely and professional advice, and can help direct clients to resources that are safe and reliable.

Advanced Dry Needling
We are all trained in Advanced Dry Needling for pain relief, using acupuncture needles as a treatment option when deemed appropriate, safe and providing we have your consent.

Splinting & Hand Therapy
Our practice has physios skilled in making custom splints, fitting bought splints, and providing hand therapy after injury, surgery or neurological conditions.

Exercise as Therapy
Physiotherapists are skilled in providing guidance and instruction in the safest and most appropriate exercises to relieve pain, assist recovery and also prevent recurrence. We also provide Certified Cancer Rehabilitation.

Whether it's for sport, pre-employment, fitness, workplace design or posture, we can help assist individuals or companies with a professional assessment and recommended interventions.