Sports Injury? 10 Reasons to see a Physio First.
Most of us have experienced some type of injury in our lives - whether it be playing sport, at work, out socializing or just going about our daily activities. And whilst there's never a "good" time to get injured, sometimes these things happen at the most critical of times, particularly around key games or finals periods. When pain or injury do strike, it can be hard to know who to see, especially if you've never been hurt before.
Here are just 10 reasons we think you should come and see a Physiotherapist first for your sporting injury (and we didn't even include that we are simply awesome, caring folk who want to see you moving well!!!).

It's what we do! Physiotherapists spend at least 4 years obtaining a Bachelor Degree in Physiotherapy - a health profession that "...attempts to address the illnesses, or injuries that limit a person's abilities to move and perform functional activities in their daily lives" (thankyou Wikipedia for that succinct definition). So it is basically what we spent all that time at Uni learning, so we really do know what we are talking about! Plus, our staff here at Barossa Physiotherapy have undergone extra training in the Sports area (some with certificates to prove it!) so you know you are in experienced hands!
You don't need a referral to see us. Physios are "Primary Contact Health Professionals" which means you can simply just ring and book yourself in to an appointment that suits. Another bonus is that we can also write Sick Certificates for work if your injury will interfere with, or be made worse by being at work.
We are trained to recognize when you need further assessment, either by a doctor or another specialist. Part of all physiotherapy assessment is screening for "flags" or indicators that something more complex or medically significant might be going on. If we suspect that there is something beyond our level of expertise we will let you know, and advise you on who might be the best person for you to see. If it's really urgent, we will even ring ahead or send information about our concerns.
Private Health Extras covers some of the cost of your appointment. If you are paying to have private health cover, you owe it to yourself to make sure you use it - once the year ends, that money is gone!! We swipe your card on the spot for instant claiming, and all you are left with is your gap. If you don't have insurance, but you hurt yourself at an organised sporting event or training session, you may be able to claim back your expenses through your sporting bodies' insurance. Chat to your club secretary to find out more.
We can refer for scans like X-Rays, Ultrasound or even MRI's. Whilst most injuries do not need scans, if we believe there is more going on, we can refer you directly and save you an extra visit to your doctor or emergency department.
Getting the right exercises and advice early can aid recovery. Our bodies will heal with time, regardless of what we do, but we can promote optimal healing through exercise and advice, and we LOVE giving out exercises (and yes, we love giving out advice too!). Any time off sport also means that you can become "de-conditioned", and we can limit this by having you exercise safely whilst you are recovering.
Physios are trained to assess your safety to return to sport. We are constantly updating our knowledge so that we can help determine the criteria you need to be able to return to training or competition. This can include fitness testing and biomechanical loading to ensure that you are ready, both in body and mind. We can also liaise with coaching staff and trainers if needed.
We can get you back to training and playing more quickly. Timely advice can mean a quicker return to activity. The sooner you know what's going on, the sooner you can start rehab, and then get back to doing what you love.
Taping and Bracing can be beneficial, but needs to be appropriate. Getting the right advice on the need for support, the right kind of support and for how long, is really important if you want to avoid unnecessary interventions. Inappropriate tape or bracing can do more harm than good, and we can show you what is available and what is the best option for you and your sport. We also have crutches, braces and other bits and pieces on hand should you be unfortunate enough to need these!!

We can help prevent this from happening again. Whilst most people recover 100% from their injury (with appropriate physio, of course), sometimes there is a risk that you could re-injure yourself. Part of any physio rehabilitation program includes strategies to reduce any risk of re-injury. This might mean specific exercises that address your anatomy, or target the unique risks of your chosen sport.
We hope this helps you understand how physiotherapy is important when you are injured. If you are still unsure, you are welcome to phone or drop in any time and chat to one of our physios, and we can let you know if you need to be seen.
So to all our Weekend Warriors - we say "Get you can Get Up and Get Going again!" (Might have to get some business cards printed up with that slogan.....)