The "3-Pre's" of Preseason.
(Image courtesy of It is that time of year, when the "serious" training starts in preparation for winter sport. ...
Backpacks and Back Pain - cause or coincidence?
As most school children resume their studies for the year, it's a good time to look at an old favourite topic of discussion - those heavy...
Dealing with a Pain in the Neck (literally!!).
If you are experiencing significant neck pain, or wake up with a "wry neck", the following acute neck pain handout (based on The McKenzie...
First Aid for Back Pain
Firstly, don't panic!! Whilst back pain is terrible, it is also a common experience, and for most people it will resolve or greatly...
Headaches - a real 'pain in the neck'!
"A headache is just a sign of stress/dehydration/lack of sleep - just have a glass of water and you will be right"...said NO headache...
Wearable Technology Woes
So I tried a little experiment (being the science/tech/human body nerd that I am) and went for a walk wearing a Fitbit and a Garmin...
Happy Birthday Barossa Physiotherapy
Our blogger this month is Principal Physiotherapist, Tania Materne. At such a significant milestone, she was asked to reflect on the...
Sports Injury? 10 Reasons to see a Physio First.
Most of us have experienced some type of injury in our lives - whether it be playing sport, at work, out socializing or just going about...